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VTI Cloud accompanies Techfest 2020: Adapt – Transform – Breakthrough


VTI Cloud – Techfest 2020

On November 26-29, VTI Cloud participated in the National Innovation Start-up Day – TECHFEST 2020 – at the Social Impact Village (Impact Village).
VTI Cloud thanks businesses and startups for visiting VTI Cloud’s booth during the event. Thank you for the support from AWS Vietnam – Mr. Luu Danh Anh Vu!
On this occasion, VTI Cloud had the opportunity to meet and exchange with businesses, startups on technology solutions, consulting on digital transformation for businesses, as well as discussing migration journey to Amazon. Web Services.
With the desire to accompany businesses in the digital transformation process and journey to the AWS cloud, VTI Cloud hopes to have more opportunities to participate and share experiences at technology events in the future. 

Photos of VTI Cloud in the event Techfest 2020

About VTI Cloud

VTI Cloud is the Advanced Consulting Partner of Amazon Web Services. We offer #DigitalTransformation digital transformation solutions through the #CloudComputing cloud platform. Building architectures that are safe, high-performance, flexible, efficient and cost-optimal for customers is VTI Cloud’s primary mission in the mission of enterprise technology.

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